Museum OKademy
Want to learn more about Northwestern Oklahoma history and culture?
Join us at the Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center for our six-part lecture/workshop series, the Museum OKademy, led by Jake Krumwiede (Executive Director), Neal Matherne (Director of Education), and the CSRHC staff. These classes are aimed at both prospective volunteers and other adult learners who wish to broaden their knowledge base about the history of our area and the materials from which we learn.
Reserve your spot for the first class below or email for more information. Attendance is limited so please contact us as soon as possible. Classes are free with regular museum admission. CSRHC members always visit free.
Class Schedule:
Meeting One: Saturday, January 21 9 am – Part One: “What is a Museum?” (Museum Volunteer Training Class)Learn the basics of how modern museums work, and a little bit of history about the Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center.
10 am – Part Two: “Before the Land Run of 1893” (Historical Lecture)The history of this area didn’t start with the Land Run of 1893! This lecture focuses on the vast histories of the region before it was opened for public settlement.
Meeting Two: Saturday, February 49 am – Part One: “Museum Collections“ (Museum Volunteer Training Class)Learn about how and why museums collect what they do, with a behind-the-scenes look at the Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center’s collection. 10 am – Part Two: “Oklahoma Territory and Statehood” (Historical Lecture)Oklahoma’s path to statehood is an interesting one! This lecture focuses on stories from the region that fall within the state’s territorial history.
Meeting Three: Saturday, February 189 am – Part One: “Archives and Research Libraries“ (Museum Volunteer Training Class)Not all museum collections are the same! Learn more about museum archives and research libraries, and how they are different from museum artifact collections and lending libraries, with a behind-the-scenes look at the Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center’s research center. 10 am – Part Two: “The Economies of Northwestern Oklahoma” (Historical Lecture)Many different industries made up the historical region known as the Cherokee Outlet. This lecture provides a general overview of major industries in the area, with some detail into some of the more interesting stories of commerce in northwestern Oklahoma.
Meeting Four: Saturday, March 49 am – Part One: “Historic Buildings“ (Museum Volunteer Training Class) Historic preservation is an important part of what the Oklahoma Historical Society offers the public! Learn about the history of the Humphrey Heritage Village, and how it is used! 10 am – Part Two: “Examining Cities in Northwestern Oklahoma” (Historical Lecture) Growing and thriving communities began springing forth in the region following the land opening. This lecture will focus on a specific city in the old Cherokee Strip, and talk about some of its local history.
Meeting Five: Saturday, March 18
9 am – Part One: “Interpretation“ (Museum Volunteer Training Class)
History and cultural museums tell their stories through exhibits and special programming. Learn more about how museums educate the public, whether it be through permanent exhibits, temporary exhibits, educational programs, or living history!
10 am – Part Two: “Society & Culture in Northwest Oklahoma” (Historical Lecture)
There is a wide variety of culture that has grown in the region. This lecture will focus on specific topics relating to society and culture in the area.
Meeting Six: Saturday, April 1
9 am – Part One: “People in the Museum“ (Museum Volunteer Training Class)
Museums are intended for them to be experienced by many different people. Learn about how museums need to be able to respond the the needs of many different individuals.
10 am – Part Two: “Contemporary Topics in Northwestern Oklahoma” (Historical Lecture)
History continues to unfold around us every day! This lecture will focus on topics relating to more recent histories, and our modern day connections to our shared history.
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