Become a part of the Heritage Center family! Volunteers are valued members of our team. As you contribute your time, talent, experience, and energy to telling the exciting story of the Cherokee Strip, you help us fulfill our mission. We couldn’t do it without your help!
A variety of opportunities are available to volunteers, promising a challenging, enjoyable, and rewarding volunteer experience. Along the way, volunteers build new relationships, impact the lives of others, and learn about the people and events that have shaped Northwest Oklahoma
For more information on becoming a Heritage Center volunteer, please contact Jake Krumwiede, Museum Director at (580) 237-1907 x223
Make a Donation
YES! I want to show my support for the Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center with a tax-deductible donation.
The Heritage Center is a 501(c)3 organization.
Examples of how donations can impact our programming and operations include:
$10 provides a grade school student with the opportunity to attend Turkey Creek School
$25 provides museum passes for eight students
$50 provides a membership to a financially disadvantaged family
$75 provides exhibit gallery security for a month
$100 provides a Brown Bag lecture speaker
$250 provides collections care supplies for two months
$500 provides a year of uniforms and training supplies for Heritage Center volunteers
Donations may be made by credit card by calling (580) 237-1907.
Donations by check may be sent to:
Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center
507 South 4th Street
Enid, OK 73701
Donate Online
Donor Opportunities
Beautiful brick pavers grace the Heritage Center’s outdoor event Plaza, providing a perfect way to pay tribute to the Pioneer Spirit of Northwest Oklahoma. Three lines of text with 20 spaces per line are available for engraving. Order your Plaza Paver today.
Large 8″ x 8″ pavers – $500
Small 4″ x 8″ pavers – $300
A variety of opportunities are available to name selected features of the Heritage Center, from the Atrium and offices to fence pillars and wagon seats in the theater. We would be happy to work with you on your special naming requests.
A goal of the capital campaign was to establish a $1 million growing endowment and within five years to reach $5 million to support the operations of the Heritage Center. One of the ways donors can help grow the endowment is to remember the Heritage Center in their wills. The endowment is administered through the Cherokee Strip Community Foundation.
Donors giving over $10,000 to the Heritage Center endowment have the opportunity to have a named fund through the Cherokee Strip Community Foundation. The named fund will be listed in the Foundation’s publications. We will be happy to work with you or your financial advisor to establish your named fund.